Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
E141: Who is Adoniram Judson? Pt. 1 (O.D.G. Ep. 2)
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
In this edition of the "Old Dead Guys" series, Jason and Duffey discuss the life and ministry, and legacy of American foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson. This epsiode in particular is part BBC's missions emphasis month in February 2023. Also, don't miss next week's episode as the guys finish the conversation.
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
E140: What Is Biblical Missions?
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
In this episode, Jason and Duffey discuss the question "What is biblical missions?" This epsiode is part of our church's February missions emphasis month. We hope this episode helps you to think better and more biblically about global missions and the Great Commission.
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
E139: Marriage and Valentine’s Day: An interview with Kyle and Natalie Slaymaker
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
In this special edition of the Asking For A Friend Podcast, Duffey interviews one Kyle (a BBC elder) and Natalie Slaymaker on the topic "Marriage and Valentine's Day." They discuss things like:
- Is Valentine's Day something that Christians should embrace or avoid?
- How should Christians think about this day?
- Is it important for a healthy marriage?
- What is important for a healthy marriage?
- How do we navigate cultural holidays from biblical perspective?
With laughter and personal stories, this episode is aimed at encouragement to all married couples striving to make much of Christ in a culture that rejects Him. For Christian couples, our marriages should testify to the world of our unwaivering commitement to Jesus Christ who is our Head (Eph. 5).
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
E138: What is family worship? (Pt. 2)
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
In this episode, Duffey and Jerod discuss the topic of "family worship." This is Part 2 of a 2-part mini-series. They discuss questions surrounding the issue like,
- What is family worship?
- Is there biblical precedent for it?
- Where should I start?
- Are there any resources that can help me?
- What if I'm unsure what to do?
- What if I feel ill-equipped?
Some helpful articles:
Some helpful books:
"Family Driven Faith" - Voddie Baucham
"Let The Little Children Come" - Scott Aniol
"Family Worship" - Donald S. Whitney
"Family Worship" - Joel R. Beeke
Understanding Family Worship" - Terry L. Johnson
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
E137: What is family worship? (Pt. 1)
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
In this episode, Duffey and Jerod discuss the topic of "family worship." This is Part 1 of a 2-part mini-series. They discuss questions surrounding the issue like,
- What is family worship?
- Is there biblical precedent for it?
- Where should I start?
- Are there any resources that can help me?
- What if I'm unsure what to do?
- What if I feel ill-equipped?
Some helpful articles:
Some helpful books:
"Family Driven Faith" - Voddie Baucham
"Let The Little Children Come" - Scott Aniol
"Family Worship" - Donald S. Whitney
"Family Worship" - Joel R. Beeke
Understanding Family Worship" - Terry L. Johnson
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
E136: Accomodation and Compromise - A guest interview with Tom Ascol
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
In this episode, Duffey and Jason interview Pastor Tom Ascol, the Founder and President of Founders Ministries in Cape Coral, Florida. This dicussion centers around Pastor Ascol's small book published by Founders Press entitled "The Necessity of Accomodation and the Danger of Compromise."
In this episode, the guys discuss the ever-present temptation of compromise when faced with doctrinal difficulty within the local church as well as the ever-present call of the pastor to accomodate whenever and wherever possible. Don't miss this great conversation with great wisdom from Pastor Ascol!
Relvant links:
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
E135: Who is John Bunyan? (O.D.G. Ep. 1)
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
In this inaugural episode of our new "Old Dead Guys" series of podcasts, Jason and Duffey go back in time 300+ years to the 1600s and discuss the life, ministry, and timeless influence of the [Baptist] puritian, John Bunyan. The guys talk about the difficulties Bunyan faced by being arrested and jailed for illegal preaching under the Church of England's Act of Conformity.
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
E134: How should Christians think well about New Years resolutions?
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
In this first episode of 2023, Jason and Duffey discuss the use and benefits (and a few cautions) of New Years resolutions from a biblical perspective. Listen in for a fun and lively conversation! Happy New Year to you!
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
E133: Rest in Christ and the book 1 John - A guest interview with Jon Moffitt
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
In this episode, Duffey and Jason interview a co-host of the Theocast podcast, Jon Moffitt. Jon currently pastors in Spring Hill, TN and loves talking theology ansd pastiral care. The inspiration from this episode comes from a few recent Theocast episodes.
In this interview the guys take a look at the small New Testament letter of 1 John and attempt to debunk a common interpretation of it.
- Why did the Apostle John write the letter?
- Did the he write to unsettle believers in their assurance of salvation?
- Did he write this letter to weed out the nominal Christians in the church?
- Do Christians need to continually examine themselves to make sure make sure they are "true believers?"
Recent episodes on 1 John
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
E132: Patrick Covington Interview (Biblical Counseling)
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
In this episiode, Duffey interviews one of BBC's elders-in-training Patrick Covington. Patrick has a passion for the local church and helping people see the great, sovereign, and glorious God of Scripture in all of life. This is a key component to his desire to engage in biblical counseling.
To ask a question for the podcast:
1. Go to www.bbcemory.org.
2. Click on the media tab.
3. Scroll down until you see Asking for a Friend. There you will find the box to ask a question.